Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery

Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery

The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases, conditions and injuries of the mouth, jaws, face and related structures. This department combines elements of oral surgery, maxillofacial surgery and related specialties to address a wide range of issues. Experience top-notch Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery in India with Medkins Healthcare, which guides you to the best Specialist Doctors and hospitals and supports you in every step of your medical journey.

Diseases treated in Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery department

  1. Oral Cancer – Malignant growth affecting the mouth, tongue, gums, and related structures, requiring surgical intervention to remove tumors.

  2.  Cysts and Tumors of the Jaw – Abnormal growths or fluid-filled sacs in the jaw that can disrupt oral function and may need surgical removal.

  3. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ) – Pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint, leading to difficulty in chewing and speaking. It often requires both non-surgical and surgical management.

  4. Facial Trauma (Fractures and Soft Tissue Injuries) – Injuries to the face caused by accidents or violence, including fractures of the jaw, cheekbones, and other facial bones.

  5. Osteonecrosis of the Jaw – A condition where the jawbone dies due to lack of blood flow, often caused by bisphosphonate medications or radiation therapy.

  6. Cleft Lip and Palate – Congenital deformities where the lip and/or palate do not fuse properly during fetal development, leading to functional and aesthetic concerns.

  7. Salivary Gland Diseases – Infections, blockages, or tumors in the salivary glands that can cause swelling, pain, and impaired salivation.



  8. Oral and Facial Infections (e.g., abscesses) – Bacterial or viral infections affecting the oral and facial tissues, which may require drainage or surgical intervention.


  9. Jaw Deformities (Orthognathic Conditions) – Misalignment or deformities of the jaw that affect biting, chewing, and facial appearance.


  10. Fibrous Dysplasia – A bone disorder where normal bone is replaced by fibrous tissue, often affecting the jaw and causing deformities.

Conditions that can be treated in the Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery department

  1. Impacted Teeth – Teeth that fail to emerge properly and remain trapped in the jawbone, often requiring surgical extraction.
  2. Congenital Craniofacial Deformities – Birth defects affecting the skull and face, including craniosynostosis, hemifacial microsomia, and Treacher Collins syndrome.
  3. Sleep Apnea – A condition where the airway becomes blocked during sleep, sometimes corrected with maxillofacial surgery to adjust jaw structure.
  4. Jaw Asymmetry – Uneven jaw growth or positioning that affects both function and appearance, often requiring surgical correction.
  5. Chronic Facial Pain – Long-term pain in the face due to nerve disorders, TMJ dysfunction, or other causes, sometimes treated surgically.
  6. Oral Mucosal Lesions – Abnormal growths or patches in the mouth lining, which could be benign or precancerous and may need biopsy or removal.
  7. Mandibular and Maxillary Atrophy – Loss of bone in the jaw due to tooth loss, aging, or disease, which may be addressed through bone grafting or reconstructive surgery.
  8. Benign Jaw Lesions (e.g., ameloblastoma) – Non-cancerous tumors that develop in the jaw, often needing surgical removal.
  9. Orthodontic Issues Requiring Surgical Intervention – Severe misalignments or malocclusions that require surgery in conjunction with orthodontics to correct.
  10. Nerve Injuries of the Face – Damage to the facial nerves due to trauma or surgery, which may cause pain, numbness, or paralysis.

Procedures and Surgeries Performed in the Maxillofacial & Oral Department

  1. Tooth Extractions (including wisdom teeth) – The removal of teeth, often impacted wisdom teeth, that are causing pain, infection, or misalignment.
  2. Jaw (Orthognathic) Surgery – Surgical repositioning of the upper or lower jaw to correct misalignments, improve function, and enhance facial symmetry.
  3. Cleft Lip and Palate Repair – Surgery to correct congenital deformities in the lip and palate, typically done in stages during childhood.
  4. Facial Reconstruction Surgery – Reconstructive procedures to repair facial trauma, fractures, or deformities, often using bone grafts or metal plates.
  5. TMJ Surgery – Surgical treatments for temporomandibular joint disorders, including arthroscopy, joint replacement, or disc repositioning.
  6. Dental Implants – Insertion of metal posts into the jawbone to replace missing teeth, followed by attachment of artificial teeth.
  7. Bone Grafting – A procedure to rebuild the jawbone in areas where it has deteriorated, often required before placing dental implants.
  8. Cyst and Tumor Removal – Surgical removal of benign or malignant growths in the jaw or facial bones, sometimes requiring reconstructive surgery.
  9. Salivary Gland Surgery – Procedures to remove or repair salivary glands affected by tumors, infections, or blockages.
  10. Distraction Osteogenesis – A surgical technique used to lengthen bones, often employed in correcting jaw deformities or congenital defects.
  11. Biopsy of Oral Lesions – Removal of a small tissue sample from the mouth or jaw for diagnostic testing of suspected cancerous or benign lesions.
  12. Repair of Facial Fractures – Surgical fixation of broken bones in the face, often using plates, screws, or wires to stabilize the fracture.
  13. Nerve Repair or Decompression – Surgery to relieve pressure on facial nerves or repair nerve damage to restore sensation or function.
  14. Osteotomy – A surgical procedure where bones are cut and repositioned, often done in orthognathic surgery to correct jaw alignment.
  15. Oral Cancer Surgery – Removal of cancerous tissues in the mouth, often combined with reconstructive procedures to restore function and appearance.
  16. Maxillary Sinus Lift – A bone grafting procedure used to increase bone height in the upper jaw to support dental implants.
  17. Surgical Correction of Sleep Apnea – Procedures like uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) or maxillomandibular advancement to improve airway function.
  18. Discectomy of TMJ – Removal of a damaged disc in the temporomandibular joint to relieve pain and improve function.
  19. Endoscopic Surgery for Sinus and Jaw Lesions – Minimally invasive surgery using an endoscope to treat lesions in the jaw or sinus areas.

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